Literally, Minhaj-ul-Quran means “the way of the Qur`an”. This is, in fact, the most simple, comprehensive, and accurate description of the Minhaj-ul-Quran International. You will observe its ideology, strategy and objectives are based purely on the divine teachings of the scripture and the authorized instructions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) who is the Qur`an incarnate. The Qur`anic way is the path of peace, progress, prosperity and welfare. In fact, it is the secret of success both in this world and in the Hereafter. The organization of Minhaj-Quran is based upon this open secret.
Having keen acknowledgment and appreciation of the foregoing brief it is for you to decide which role you can and will play for promotion of love, peace and knowledge. You must do whatever you can.
Do you also want to walk the right path, the path of Peace, Tolerance, Progressiveness, Modernity and Socio-Economic Justice and equality?
Do you also want to stop the decay of values and the demise of morality by reverting of Peace, Tolerance and Socio-Economic Justice?
Do you also want your generation and the coming ones to live in dignity, fulfilling the criteria of noble character?
Do you also want to court success both in this life and in the here-after?
Do you also want the system of peace, love, tolerance and truth to prevail internally in yourself as well as externally between people of all races, nationalities, and cultures?
If you are satisfied with our work and program, Do join hands with us in this noble deed.