Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali
01 September 2008
(Former Prime Minister)
At the occasion of his meeting with a delegation of MQI in Baluchistan House in Islamabad on September 1, 2008, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamli expressed his views about leader of MQI and MQI itself in these words, “I look at Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri with immense respect and honour. His is a principled personality of highest order. He never compromised on principles and never hesitated over anything while deciding when it came to principle. He is no doubt a great personality of the Islamic world. I watch QTV regularly. He is an educated religious scholar. He has taken practical steps for the promotion of interfaith harmony. He is a man imbued with the spirit of sympathy with people. I say to the extent that Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri is a doctor, Tahir and expert i.e. he is expert of knowledge and has the capability of speaking at every topic. He gets to the bottom of every problem and presents its solution. I pray for his health and long life.”